Clients - Feedback & Help Center

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Kõik Approve this translation

Once you've created your profile we'll forward you to the %{name} forum.

Kui olete loonud oma profiili me edastab teile %{name} foorum. Approve this translation

Select the amount of votes for this idea

Valige kogus hääli idee Approve this translation

1 vote

1 hääl Approve this translation

2 votes

2 häält Approve this translation

3 votes

3 häält Approve this translation

idea results

Idee tulemusi Approve this translation

Feedback and Knowledge Base

Tagasiside ja teadmiste baasi Approve this translation

You are about to delete your user profile. This cannot be undone!

Oled kustutada oma kasutaja profiili. Seda ei saa tagasi võtta! Approve this translation

To see ideas you have already voted on, select the "My feedback" filter and select "My open ideas".

Et näha ideid olete juba hääletanud, valige "Minu tagasiside" Filter ja vali "My avatud ideedele." Approve this translation

Don't see your idea?

Ei näe oma idee? Approve this translation

Due to merging votes from your duplicate users, you have used too many votes on certain forums.

Ühendamise tõttu hääli oma eksemplaris kasutajad, olete kasutanud liiga palju hääli teatud foorumites. Approve this translation

Admin page for %{title}

Admin lehele %{title} Approve this translation

View all articles in %{title}

Vaata kõiki artikleid %{title} Approve this translation

View all articles

Vaata kõiki artikleid Approve this translation

More info

Rohkem infot Approve this translation

A user with the email address %{email} already exists. Please sign in.

Kasutaja e-posti aadressi %{email} juba olemas. Palun logi sisse Approve this translation

View all ideas in category %{category}

Vaata kõiki ideid kategooria %{category} Approve this translation

Uh-oh! Cookies are disabled. Access the feedback forum directly at %{forum_link} or enable cookies in your browser settings and refresh this page.

Uh-oh! Küpsised on keelatud. Juurdepääs tagasisidet foorum otse %{forum_link} või võimaldavad küpsised brauseri seadeid ja värskendage seda lehekülge. Approve this translation

No email address specified. Please try again.

No e-posti aadress määratletud. Palun proovige uuesti. Approve this translation

These are the terms of service for UserVoice, the service that powers this support portal, not for %{name} itself.

Need on kasutustingimused UserVoice'i, teenus, et võimu seda toetust portaal, mitte %{name} ise. Approve this translation


kohal Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your comment?

Oled sa kindel, et tahad kustutada oma kommentaari? Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your idea?

Oled sa kindel, et tahad kustutada oma idee? Approve this translation

Since other people support this idea, you cannot delete it. However, you can remove yourself from this idea and it will be associated with 'Anonymous' Are you sure you want to remove yourself from this idea?

Kuna teised inimesed toetavad seda mõtet, siis ei saa seda kustutada. Kuid võite kaotada ennast selle idee ja see on seotud "Anonymous" Oled sa kindel, et tahad eemaldada ennast sellest idee? Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your comment?

Oled sa kindel, et tahad kustutada oma kommentaari? Approve this translation

I support '%{title}' - what do you think?

Toetan " %{title} "- Mis sa arvad? Approve this translation

If a similar idea already exists, you can support and comment on it.

Kui sarnane idee on juba olemas, võite toetada ja seda kommenteerida. Approve this translation

If it doesn't exist, you can post your idea so others can support it.

Kui seda ei ole olemas, võite saata oma teate, mida teised toetada. Approve this translation

All the ideas you've supported or commented on.

Kõik ideed olete toetanud või kommenteeris. Approve this translation

All the ideas you've supported.

Kõik ideed olete toetanud. Approve this translation

%{user} supported this

%{user} toetas seda Approve this translation

All the ideas you've supported or commented on across all forums.

Kõik ideed olete toetanud või kommenteeris kõigis foorumites. Approve this translation

More information about the response to %{suggestion}

Rohkem infot vastuseks %{suggestion} Approve this translation

Your new password must contain

Teie uus parool peab sisaldama Approve this translation

At least 8 characters

Vähemalt 8 tähemärki Approve this translation

At least 1 lower-case letter

Vähemalt 1 väiketäht Approve this translation

At least 1 upper-case letter

Vähemalt 1 suurtäht Approve this translation

At least 1 number

Vähemalt 1 number Approve this translation

At least 1 special character

Vähemalt 1 erimärk Approve this translation

Request an export of your data to receive a copy of all content you have submitted to UserVoice.

Taotlege oma andmete eksportimist, et saada kogu UserVoice'ile saadetud sisu koopia. Approve this translation

All the ideas supported by people at %{account_name}

Kõik ideed, mida inimesed toetavad %{account_name} Approve this translation

You have been %{action} notifications about this idea. %{link:Undo}

Te olete olnud %{action} teated selle idee kohta. %{link:Tühistamine} Approve this translation

Your ideas that others have supported and all comments will be attributed to "Anonymous". Your ideas without support will be deleted. Your email address and personal data will be removed from existing tickets.

Teie ideed, mida teised toetasid, ja kõik kommentaarid antakse anonüümseks. Teie ideed ilma toetuseta kustutatakse. Teie e-posti aadress ja isikuandmed eemaldatakse olemasolevatest piletitest. Approve this translation

Thank you for providing your consent.

Tänan teid oma nõusoleku andmise eest. Approve this translation


Igasugune staatus Approve this translation

We are now required to have consent to store personal data. Since you already have data stored on this site, please select one of the following:

Nüüd peame nõustuma isikuandmete salvestamisega. Kuna teil on sellel saidil andmed juba salvestatud, valige üks järgmistest: Approve this translation

%{strong_text:I agree} to the storage of my email address, name, and IP address. This information and any feedback I provide may be used to inform product decisions and to notify me about product updates. (You can opt-out at any time.)

%{strong_text:Nõustun} oma e-posti aadressi, nime ja IP-aadressi salvestamisega. Seda teavet ja kogu antud tagasisidet saab kasutada tooteotsuste teavitamiseks ja tootearenduste tutvustamiseks. (Võite loobuda igal ajal.) Approve this translation

%{strong_text:I do not agree} to the storage of my personal information, and <span class="warning-text">I wish to delete my feedback profile and all personal data from this site.</span>

%{strong_text:Ma ei nõustu} oma isiklike andmete säilitamisega ja sooviks kustutada oma tagasisideprofiili ja kõik sellelt saidilt pärinevad isikuandmed. Approve this translation

Please note that if you do not select an option, we will be required to delete your feedback profile and personal information

Pidage meeles, et kui te valikut ei vali, peate me tagasisideprofiili ja isikuandmete kustutama Approve this translation