Admin Console

  1. Untranslated
  2. Needs Review
  3. Reviewed
  4. All
  5. Health
Displaying 151 - 200 of 1602

Support Performance

not translated

Ticket Insights

not translated

Status Updates

not translated


not translated


not translated

Active ideas

not translated

Point Leader

not translated

Quick Reply Leader

not translated


not translated

Standard UserVoice Terms of Service (End Users)

not translated

Checkbox Label

not translated

Instant Answers

not translated

Answers Found

not translated

%{num} ticket

not translated

%{num} tickets

not translated

Uh, oh! Your version of Internet Explorer no longer works with the Admin Console.

not translated

Please upgrade to the %{latest_version_link} or %{install_chrome_frame_link} so the Admin Console will work as expected.

not translated

by %{name}

not translated

Status updated for

not translated

New comment

not translated

%{num} new comments

not translated

on %{title}

not translated

and %{num} other people

not translated

for %{name}

not translated

created by %{name}

not translated

from %{name}

not translated

Want to improve your score?

not translated

Answer More Tickets

not translated

Kudos Leader

not translated


not translated

number of times you've responded in under an hour. 2 points each

not translated

Quick Replies

not translated


not translated

%{name} got kudos on %{rate} of messages sent.

not translated

This idea was merged into %{title}

not translated

and %{num} other person

not translated

via Admin Console

not translated


not translated

New account successfully created

not translated

The time zone affects reports.

not translated

Fetching latest stats

not translated

No new activity

not translated

%{name} received Kudos!

not translated

from %{name} on %{ticket}

not translated

Account-specific. Options shown here are defaults. This is the status name.

not translated

One of status_id or status (name) should be passed.

not translated


not translated


not translated

Click for Leaderboard

not translated


not translated