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Restrict access by IP

Begrænse adgangen af IP Approve this translation

Full custom design

Fuld custom design Approve this translation

Coming soon! Integrate UserVoice natively within your iPhone apps.

Kommer snart! Integrere UserVoice indbygget i din iPhone apps. Approve this translation

Grant private forum access to entire email domains (e.g., *

Yde støtte til privat forum adgang til hele e-mail-domæner (f.eks *. Approve this translation

Restrict access by email domain

Begrænse adgangen via e-mail-domæne Approve this translation

Advanced vote fraud settings

Avancerede valgsvindel indstillinger Approve this translation

Automatically replaces profane words with '*****'. (Currently English only.)

Erstatter automatisk krænkende ord med'*****'. (I øjeblikket kun på engelsk.) Approve this translation

Respond to ideas

Reager på ideer Approve this translation

Grant private forum access to specific IP addresses (e.g., your internal network).

Yde støtte til privat forum adgang til bestemte IP adresser (fx dit interne netværk). Approve this translation

Merge duplicate ideas with ease. (Votes from both ideas are combined.)

Flet to eksemplarer ideer med lethed. (Stemmer fra begge ideer kombineres.) Approve this translation

Customize voting

Tilpas afstemning Approve this translation

Domain aliasing

Domæne aliasing Approve this translation

White labeled

Hvid mærket Approve this translation

Private forums

Private fora Approve this translation

SSL encryption

SSL-kryptering Approve this translation

This is the max number of administrators on your UserVoice feedback forum and ticketing system.

Dette er det max antal af administratorer på din UserVoice tilbagemeldinger forum og billetsystem. Approve this translation

Feedback for Facebook Plugin

Feedback til Facebook Plugin Approve this translation

Single sign-on

Single sign-on Approve this translation

Set Password

Indstil adgangskode Approve this translation


Standard Approve this translation

Idea attachments

Idea vedhæftede filer Approve this translation

Admins and optionally users can attach files to ideas.

Admins og eventuelt brugere kan vedhæfte filer til ideer. Approve this translation

Forum: %{forum_name} %{forum_link}

Forum: %{forum_name}%{forum_link} Approve this translation


Billet Approve this translation

Change access to kudos.

Ændring adgang til kudos. Approve this translation

Idea no longer exists

Idé eksisterer ikke længere Approve this translation

View this user in Inspector

Se denne bruger i Inspector Approve this translation


Uberettiget Approve this translation

%{time} min

%{time} min Approve this translation

Your Own

Din egen Approve this translation

Welcome Email

Velkommen Email Approve this translation


(Vælg) Approve this translation

Give feedback only

Giv feedback kun Approve this translation


Agent Approve this translation


Approve this translation


Er Approve this translation

Is not

Er det ikke Approve this translation


Mellem Approve this translation

Greater Than

Større end Approve this translation

Less Than

Mindre end Approve this translation

You must select a value.

Du skal vælge en værdi. Approve this translation

Add Cc recipient

Tilføj Cc modtager Approve this translation

New Ticket Admin Reply

Ny billet Admin Svar Approve this translation

Custom statuses

Tilpassede statusser Approve this translation

New ideas

Nye ideer Approve this translation

Unassign yourself from this ticket

Unassign dig selv fra denne billet Approve this translation

Push Ticket

Push Billet Approve this translation

Email domain in different subdomain.

E-mail domæne på andet underdomæne. Approve this translation

Email cannot match a support agent's email address

E-mail kan ikke matche en støtte agent e-mail adresse Approve this translation

Hide kudos, tracking pixels and anything else that would indicate that a ticket is not a personal email.

Skjul kudos, sporingspixels og alt andet, der indikerer, at en billet er ikke en personlig e-mail. Approve this translation